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Here you will find a selection of our best-selling books in the detective book trade. We deliver your order with postal parcels within 3-5 working days.

Death goes on display

Death goes on display

When the star broker Jessie Anderson is found murdered in connection with a house tour of Österlen, the square and slightly buffoonish commissioner Peter Vinston is drawn into the investigation, even though he is really only visiting the area. To his aid he gets the local police assistant Tove Esping, inexperienced but ambitious and alert. Colleagues tease each other but form a reluctant friendship in search of the truth. Behind the garden hedges in the idyllic villages on Skåneslätten lurks a murderer. The question is just who.

"Death goes on display" is the first part in Anders de la Motte's and Måns Nilsson's puzzle detective series "Morden på Österlen" - where beautiful environments and eccentric characters meet evil imminent death.

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